Wednesday 24 September 2014

MAN 24th September 2014 - Denim Air Fk100 PH-LND

Making a rare visit to Manchester in the early hours of the morning, Denim Air Fokker 100 PH-LND arrived from Newcastle with the Stoke City Football Club.

Saturday 20 September 2014

19th September 2014 - Cardiff NATO trip photos added to the 2014 Trips Page.

3rd to the 4th September 2014

Two days in Cardiff for the 2014 NATO Summit movements.

A couple of days spent down in Cardiff for the NATO Summit visitors, 
Photos can be seen here on my "2014 Trips" page

Tuesday 16 September 2014

MAN 15th September 2014 - Monarch Airlines Captain retires!

Boeing 757-200 G-DAJB arrived early evening marking the final commercial flight under captain Adrian Benson, ending his 27 year career with the airline.
A traditional "Water Cannon Salute" greeted his arrival back at Manchester after the flight from Dalaman.
(Photos courtesy of engineer Steve Porter)